
16th. Dec.

Symposium was finished.

Sat, 14th. & Sun 15th December
Urgent Symposium will be held as follows:

Sat, 14th. December, 6:30pm-9:00pm
Meidai Shogai Gakushukan, room A
Kasuga 2-9-5, Bunkyo-ku
10 minutes walk from Myogadani St., Subway Marunouchi Line
Meidai Ward Plaza 7F

Sun, 15th. December, 1:30pm-4:30pm
Otsuka Branch Activity Center 2F
Ohtsuka 1-5-17, Bunkyo-ku
5 minutes walk from Myogadani St., Subway Marunouchi Line

* details of cancellation and future of apartment project
* about the former Dojunkai Otsuka Women's Apartments
* presentation of artists' project

Sorry, this program is held in Japanese.

25th. Nov.

apartment project executive committee have been involved in the creation of a regeneration plan and its project launch, in collaboration with the Architectural Institute of Japan. Our primary concern was to open the buildings to the general public in order to demonstrate the need for regeneration. In order to make a greater appeal for these buildings which have been forgotten until now, we have asked artists, in support of this project, to exhibit work that evoke the history, without transforming or altering the buildings, during the Open House. The ten artists who have agreed to participate in this project are as follows:

Kazutoki Umezu
Mikio Kurokawa
Katsuya Komagata
Minako Saito
Yoshihiro Suda
Kyoko Nagashima
Pierre Giner
Yuichi Higashionna
Midori Mitamura
Ryuji Miyamoto

While executing this project, we were advised to suspend the the project and to close down the website by the Architectural Institute of Japan. apartment project executive committee have consequently reached a decision to continue with the project, independently of the Architectural Institute of Japan. We will firstly introduce and exhibit the works of the artists, and hold a symposium for discussing the regeneration plan. The venue and the dates will be announced on this website soon.
- by Yuuichi Konno -

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